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Wednesday 19 January

10am, 2:30pm, 5pm, 7.30pm

Directed by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert


Poland, subtitled


On a grey, foggy morning outside a large Polish city, Zhenia (Alec Utgoff), a masseur from the East, enters the lives of the wealthy residents of a gated community. Using hypnotic, almost magical techniques to get a residence permit, he starts working.

The well-to-do residents in their cookie-cutter homes seemingly have it all, but they all suffer from an inner sadness, some unexplained longing. The attractive and mysterious newcomer’s hands heal and Zhenia’s eyes seem to penetrate their souls.

The film is an unclassifiable meditation on class, immigration, and global warming with touches of magical realism and moments of sober beauty and subtle humour.

Simultaneously gripping and sweetly bewildering. – Kevin Maher Times UK

For a comedy-drama that hovers between life and death, Never Gonna Snow Again is achingly beautiful. – Alex Goldstein, One Room with a View

A film that asks a question for every answer it gives, and whose crackerjack images leave you wondering, in the best of senses: wait, what did I just see? – Danny Leigh, Financial Times