Ghostlight is a 2024 American drama, directed by Alex Thompson and Kelly O’Sullivan. The latter wrote the part of Dan for Keith Kupferer, whom she had worked with before; Kupferer suggested his daughter Katherine for the role of Daisy, who auditioned and landed the part; Kupferer’s wife Tara Mallen was cast as Sharon soon thereafter. Real life family became movie family.
When a construction worker unexpectedly joins a local theatre’s production of Romeo and Juliet, the drama onstage starts to mirror his own life.
After premiering at Sundance this year, Ghostlight has impressed audiences and critics alike with its touching and gently comic tale of the healing power of art. With 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and a high placing on Letterbox’s Top 10 films of the year, this is one you don’t want to miss! – Palace Theatres
An emotional, gorgeously told story. 4 stars. – Screen Ran
With over 2000 members the Noosa Film Society is the largest such society in Australia.
The Noosa Film Society is a registered not-for-profit organisation and was established in 1979 to encourage interest in film as an art form. At first, movies were screened at the golf club to a small group of film enthusiasts once a month. Several years later, screenings were moved to the Noosa Arts Theatre where they continued to play until the cinema in Noosa Junction was built.
Members can book at the Cinema box office or online via the Events Cinema website from 12 noon on the Thursday preceding the Film Society screening date. Members can book a maximum of two tickets in one transaction (ie one for themselves and one for a partner/friend who must also be a member).
Click here for information on how to book tickets.
Click here for Youtube instructions on how to book tickets.
The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.
Wednesday screening times are 10:00am; 2:30pm; 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Monday screening times are 10am and 6:30pm. Doors into the cinema will open 15 minutes prior to screening. Please do not loiter in the foyer! Park and walk straight into the cinema.
For a printed copy of our handout, download
The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.
© Noosa Film Society 2021. All rights reserved.