Members can only update their name, mailing address, email address and phone number. To update banking details, contact the Treasurer at [email protected].

Guest memberships are not available as the Noosa Film Society is a “members only” society. Our screening license requires that admission to screenings is strictly for members only. Guest memberships breach the Noosa Film Society constitution. The Australian Council of Film Societies (ACOFS) has advised that membership to a Film Society must be issued in the name of the individual person who has applied for membership

Guest memberships are not available as the Noosa Film Society is a “members only” society. Our screening license requires that admission to screenings is strictly for members only. Guest memberships breach the Noosa Film Society constitution. The Australian Council of Film Societies (ACOFS) has advised that membership to a Film Society must be issued in the name of the individual person who has applied for membership

If you decide that you do not wish to remain a member of the society, you may cancel your membership at any time. To cancel, please email the Honorary Treasurer at [email protected]. If you have a direct debit in place, your direct debit will be suspended until we receive your membership card after which time it will then be cancelled permanently. If you pay by cheque/money order simply return your membership card by handing it to a committee member at a screening or post it to the Honorary Treasurer at PO Box 598, Noosa Heads 4567. If you wish to continue watching movies until the end of the financial year, you may do so but you must return your membership card by 30th September.

PLEASE NOTE: Membership cards are the property of the Society and must be returned to the Honorary Treasurer when you resign from the Society. If you do not return your card, you will be liable for any outstanding subscription. PLEASE DO NOT DESTROY YOUR CARDS YOURSELF.

For membership enquiries: please contact our Membership Secretary. ([email protected]). For payment enquiries: please contact the Honorary Treasurer. ([email protected]) For general enquiries: please contact the President ([email protected]). Our postal address is PO Box 598, Noosa Heads 4567.

Once you become a member, a reminder email for screenings will be sent to the email address on your application form. You can also Unsubscribe by clicking the Unsubscribe from this List at the bottom of the reminder.

Should you change your email address, you will need to click UPDATE YOUR DETAILS on the home page, follow the instructions to login and make the changes.

Members are welcome to email suggestions for films. Please note our charter is to show newly released films that are not mainstream. As we are aware of these by means of press and media, it is the more unusual or locally produced films we would consider showing.

The object of our Society is to encourage interest in film as an art form and medium of information and education. The films must already be available in Australia, through a film distributor. The committee selects movies from a list of newly released films compiled with review ratings. Typically films which have been recognised or in receipt of awards at international film festivals are high on the list of those selected. If a film is expected to be shown commercially in Noosa or maybe even Maroochydore, then the Society will not select that film so our choices are usually the only opportunity for our members to see that film locally.

The Society is fortunate to have committee members who can view new releases both at home, interstate or overseas.

The Society provides details about forthcoming films on the handout, on the website and in our introductory speeches but it is up to you to research each film before coming to a screening to see if it might be suitable or not.

Lost cards will be replaced for a cost of $10 by contacting the Membership Secretary. You can still attend films whilst this process takes place – please speak to the Committee Member at the door.

Lending your card to someone else is not permitted as it is non-transferable. Our screening license requires that admission to screenings is strictly for members only. This means that the member named on the card may attend the film only once per screening. As it is not permitted to lend your card to others, you may be asked for identification.


Membership cannot be transferred. Membership of the Noosa Film Society is managed through the waiting list, as demand for membership exceeds availability. If you know someone who would like to become a member, please encourage them to complete the REQUEST TO BE PLACED ON MEMBERSHIP WAITING LIST.


The Society encourages the use of a direct debit facility. This minimises the work undertaken by the committee members substantially. If using a direct debit is not possible, you may pay by cheque or, if you don’t have a bank account, by purchasing a money order from the Post Office. The Society does not accept cash or credit card payments.


During the school holidays, the cinema is not available to the Noosa Film Society as Noosa 5 Cinemas increase their screening program for school age audiences.


If you pay by direct debit your account will be debited as follows: If your family name begins with:

  • A-C: the first Monday in August each year
  • D-G: the first Tuesday
  • H-L: the first Wednesday
  • M-R: the first Thursday & Friday
  • S-Z: the second Monday & Tuesday

If paying by cheque or money order, you must pay by 31st July otherwise your membership may be cancelled and given to a candidate on the waiting list.

PLEASE NOTE: The Society sends out membership renewal reminders to members with email addresses. If you have completed a direct debit form, your membership will be renewed automatically unless you notify us of cancellation or change of payment method before 31st July.

The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. Members of the Society nominate for a position. If you feel you have something to offer the Noosa Film Society, speak to one of the committee members about nominating. The committee seeks people with administration and computer skills to run the business of the society. Meetings are in the evening once a month and there are many administrative tasks to attend to between meetings, as well as being available at the door at the screenings on a regular basis.

Go to Become a Member on the home page and complete the online form.

Due to the popularity of the NFS and our limited capacity to increase our membership, please be aware that it may be several years before you will be invited to join.

survey results

The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.

  • 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
  • 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
  • Most comments were positive and appreciative
  • 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content. 
  • Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
  • Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
  • Over 70% find the website easy to use
  • Some members regularly look at Facebook.
  • Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.

NFS Screening times & Handout

Wednesday screening times are 10:00am; 2:30pm; 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Monday screening times are 10am and 6:30pm. Doors into the cinema will open 15 minutes prior to screening.  Please do not loiter in the foyer! Park and walk straight into the cinema.


For a printed copy of our handout, download

November 2024 Handout

screening dates for 2024

Screening dates for the second half of 2024 are:
  • Wednesday 11th September
  • Monday 14th October, Wednesday 9th & 23rd October
  • Monday 18th November, Wednesday 13th & 27th November
  • Monday 2nd December, Wednesday 11th December

The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.

  • 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
  • 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
  • Most comments were positive and appreciative
  • 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content. 
  • Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
  • Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
  • Over 70% find the website easy to use
  • Some members regularly look at Facebook.
  • Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.
NFS Screening Times & Handout
Screening Dates for 2023