About Us


About the Noosa Film Society

With over 2000 members the Noosa Film Society is the largest such society in Australia.The Society is a registered not-for-profit organisation and was established in October, 1979 to encourage interest in film as an art form. At first, movies were screened at the golf club to a small group of film enthusiasts once a month. Several years later, screenings were moved to the Noosa Arts Theatre where they continued to play until the cinema in Noosa Junction was built.

Regular Screenings

Film Society screenings are scheduled on average twice a month on Wednesdays, with four screenings – 10 am, 2:30 pm, 5 pm and 7:15 pm. Most months an additional single screening is arranged on a Monday evening for a film that we believe is of special merit but may have a more limited interest within the membership.

To attend a screening members take their Photo ID membership card to the Noosa 5 Cinema box office to receive a free cinema ticket. This can be obtained at any time from the Thursday prior to the day of the screening. When attending the screening a member hands in their ticket to a committee member at the door and at the same time also shows their membership card.

All screenings are restricted to members only. Members may not share their membership card with non-members when they are away or not personally attending a given movie. This restriction is imposed by our film industry suppliers who are providing the society with preferential pricing for the hire of the movies and the use of the cinema. Any member who breaks this ruling is liable to lose their membership of the society.


Membership is not open to anyone under the age of 18 due to classification of many of the films that are shown.

Membership runs from October to September and confirmation of renewals takes place each year in August at which time existing members can rejoin or end their membership.

Applications for membership can be lodged through the website when the waiting list is open and applicants are placed on our waiting list. Waiting list applicants are invited to join in July each year, subject to the total numbers of members that we can accommodate.

We monitor the number of members who are attending each screening to ensure as far as possible that everyone who wishes to view a film has the opportunity of doing so. The 5 pm  screening time is the most popular;  the 10am, 2:30pm and 7:30pm  sessions are never full.

Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of Member Information collected and held by the Society is an important issue and our Privacy Policy can be viewed at the following link Noosa Film Society Privacy Policy 2019

Tickets for Screenings

Tickets for each screening can be obtained from the Thursday in advance from the cinema box office to allow a member to be sure of a seat at a given screening time. Tickets can of course be collected immediately prior to a screening but there is then a risk that all seats for that screening may have already been issued. The member must present their membership card at the box office to receive a ticket for a screening. When attending the screening a member hands in their ticket to a committee member at the door and at the same time also shows their membership card. As mentioned earlier, only members can attend a screening and tickets may not be given to a friend to attend in place of the member.

The Committee

Every member of the society may make themselves available to serve on the committee and in the first instance they should notify the secretary of their interest.

The Society holds an AGM every March to report on the previous year’s activity and every member is invited to attend. This is held immediately prior to one of the Wednesday screenings and notices are sent out to all members by email.

A major role of the committee each month is to explore what new films are being released and to decide which films to select for showing to the members. Typically films which have been recognised or in receipt of awards at international film festivals are high on the list of those selected. If a film is expected to be shown commercially in Noosa or possibly Maroochydore, then the Society will not select that film so our choices are usually the only opportunity for our members to see that film locally.

Committee Members

Peter Holder
Peter Holder
Hugh Pape
Vice President
Selena Cannon​
Lucy Field
Lucy Field
Irene Visser
Diana Bernard
Ian Kaye
Rosie Randall
Rose Grogan
Gill Omelaniuk
Kerrie Callaghan
Holly Pittman
Holly Pittman
Jann Griffin
Sue Nyman
Sue Nyman
Angela Bairstow

survey results

The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.

  • 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
  • 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
  • Most comments were positive and appreciative
  • 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content. 
  • Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
  • Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
  • Over 70% find the website easy to use
  • Some members regularly look at Facebook.
  • Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.

NFS Screening times & Handout

Wednesday screening times are 10:00am; 2:30pm; 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Monday screening times are 10am and 6:30pm. Doors into the cinema will open 15 minutes prior to screening.  Please do not loiter in the foyer! Park and walk straight into the cinema.


For a printed copy of our handout, download

November 2024 Handout

screening dates for 2024

Screening dates for the second half of 2024 are:
  • Wednesday 11th September
  • Monday 14th October, Wednesday 9th & 23rd October
  • Monday 18th November, Wednesday 13th & 27th November
  • Monday 2nd December, Wednesday 11th December

The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.

  • 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
  • 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
  • Most comments were positive and appreciative
  • 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content. 
  • Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
  • Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
  • Over 70% find the website easy to use
  • Some members regularly look at Facebook.
  • Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.
NFS Screening Times & Handout
Screening Dates for 2023