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Monday 19 July

10am, 6.30pm

Directed by Andrew Levitas



115 mins

A real life story about war photographer W. Eugene Smith who travels back to Japan where he documents the devastating effect of mercury poisoning in coastal communities. The exposure of their plight by Smith is one of the great stories in the history of documentary photography.

Smith and his Japanese-American assistant Aileen (who became his wife) lived in the village of Minamata for two years, from 1971 to 1973, during a campaign for justice by the families. The company, Chisso Fertiliser, fought hard and dirty to avoid responsibility. Smith’s photographs, when published in Life magazine in 1972, turned the tide.

A powerful reminder that there are indeed times when a picture is worth a thousand words. –  Stephen Romei, The Australian

A forthright, heartfelt movie, an old-fashioned “issue picture” with a worthwhile story to tell about how communities can stand up to overweening corporations and how journalists dedicated to truthful news can help them.Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian