survey results
The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.
- 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
- 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
- Most comments were positive and appreciative
- 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content.
- Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
- Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
- Over 70% find the website easy to use
- Some members regularly look at Facebook.
- Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.
NFS Screening times & Handout
Wednesday screening times are 10:00am; 2:30pm; 5:00pm and 7:30pm. Monday screening times are 10am and 6:30pm. Doors into the cinema will open 15 minutes prior to screening. Please do not loiter in the foyer! Park and walk straight into the cinema.
For a printed copy of our handout, download
March 2025 Handout
screening dates for 2024
Screening dates for 2025 are:
- March Wednesday 12, Monday 17, Wednesday 26
- April Wednesday 23, Monday 28
- May Wednesday 14, Monday 19, Wednesday 28
- June Wednesday 11, Monday 16, Wednesday 25
- July Monday 14, Wednesday 23
- August Wednesday 13, Monday 18, Wednesday 27
- September Wednesday 10, Monday 15
- October Wednesday 8, Monday, 13 Wednesday 22
- November Wednesday 12, Monday, 17 Wednesday 26
- December Wednesday 10
The survey was emailed to 1465 members, 1065 opened it, reaching 72% of our members.
- 564 members completed the survey and 44% of them claim to attend 80% of our screenings
- 77% of respondents are female, and 80% are over 65.
- Most comments were positive and appreciative
- 35% attend other screenings less than 6 times a year. it would seem because of mainstream content.
- Members are still having difficulty with ticketing and booking a seat online.
- Over 90% rely on email reminders and use links to trailers. Few use the website to check upcoming films.
- Over 70% find the website easy to use
- Some members regularly look at Facebook.
- Over 90% of respondents are aware that NFS sponsors various festivals.