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Wednesday 26 February 2020

10.00 am, 2.30 pm, 5.00 pm and 7.15 pm
Directed by Ken Loach

Drama UK

102 mins MA15+

Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver. It’s hard work, and his wife’s job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.

Director Ken Loach has always explored social issues in a realistic style, winning the Palme D’Or at Cannes for I, Daniel Blake. Together with screenwriter, Paul Laverty, they have produced this equally fine film about a working-class battler trying to survive in the “gig” economy.

 “It’s fierce, open and angry, unionised and unadorned, about a vital contemporary issue whose implications you somehow don’t hear on the news.” – Peter Bradshaw, Guardian

“I can only say Sorry We Missed You is one of the best and most moving films I have seen this year. Every member of the cast gives heart-breakingly true performances”. –  David Stratton, The Australian 2019.

Sorry We Missed You finds Loach at his most insightful and clear-eyed”. – Robbie Collin, Daily Telegraph (UK)